
Bhikkhu Ajahn Brahm

# Date* Title Duration (hh:mm:ss)
12025/01/19Skillful Livelihood | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:57:19
22025/01/19Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 17 January 202500:28:08
32025/01/19සතිමත් බව දුක නැතිවෙන්න හේතුවක් ද? - අජාන් බ්‍රාහ්මවංසෝ (සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ) - (සිංහල උපසිරැසි සමග)01:11:16
42025/01/19අනාගතය සුන්දරයි නම් බිය වෙන්නේ ඇයි? | The Antidote To Fear Of The Future01:02:55
52025/01/15Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso01:20:09
62025/01/15Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 17 January 202501:47:45
72025/01/12Just Injustice | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:58:14
82025/01/12සිත ආකර්ෂණීය දේටම ඇලෙන්නේ ඇයි? | Guided Meditation00:51:06
92025/01/10Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso01:13:19
102025/01/05The Buddhist Realization of Non-Self | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:03:35
112025/01/05‘සතිය’ නිසා ජීවිතේ ධනාත්මක වෙනවාද? - අජාන් බ්‍රාහ්මවංසෝ (සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ) - (සිංහල උපසිරැසි සමග)00:58:30
122025/01/04Ajahn Brahm's Year End Retreat 2024: Day 2 Morning Talk01:07:19
132025/01/04සතිය පිහිටුවීමට කයේ වේදනාව බාධාවක් ද? Friday Night Guided Meditation00:24:41
142025/01/03Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso01:21:42
152025/01/03Ajahn Brahm's Year End Retreat 2024: Day 1 Q&A01:45:28
162025/01/02Ajahn Brahm's Year End Retreat 2024: Day 1 Afternoon Talk01:25:48
172025/01/02Ajahn Brahm's Year End Retreat 2024: Morning Chanting00:15:38
182025/01/01Relax to the Max by Ajahn Brahm @ BGF 2024122801:38:10
192025/01/01El poder de la plena conciencia y la compasión | por Ajahn Brahm00:56:10
202024/12/3010, 20, 30, 40, 50 and the Journey Continues | Ajahn Brahm | 1 December 202400:38:18
212024/12/29Right View | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:54:32
222024/12/27Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso01:19:49
232024/12/25New Year's Eve with Ajahn Brahm | 31 December 202401:08:50
242024/12/22කරුණාවෙන් භාවනා කළොත් බලය වැඩිද? | අජාන් බ්‍රහ්මවංසෝ හිමි | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:51:09
252024/12/21Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso thera mindfulness01:33:04
262024/12/21No Expectations | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:01:44
272024/12/20Brahmavamso Guided Meditation Being Santa Claus01:21:30
282024/12/20Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso thera00:29:07
292024/12/18Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso01:03:14
302024/12/17Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso dvd 1080p 300001:11:25
312024/12/16Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso01:03:18
322024/12/15Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 13 December 202400:30:44
332024/12/15ඔබට ඔබේ කුසල් අන් අයට පැවරිය හැකි ද? (-Day Of Practice with Ajahn Brahm Q&A Session1)VenAjahn Brahm01:22:49
342024/12/11Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso00:53:52
352024/12/11Ajahn Brahmavamso01:21:15
362024/12/11Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 14 December 202401:10:57
372024/12/11Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 13 December 202401:42:55
382024/12/08Contemplate - Don't Think | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:01:44
392024/12/06Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso01:22:44
402024/12/04Sutta Class | Ajahn Brahm | 8 December 202401:19:27
412024/12/04Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 7 December 202401:22:15
422024/12/01Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 29 November 202400:29:38
432024/12/01ජීවිතයේ දුෂ්කර අවස්ථාවන්ට මුහුණ දෙන්නේ කොහොම ද?|Facing Difficult Situations in Life|Ajahn Brahm00:58:21
442024/12/01Don't Rush To Your Grave | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:57:13
452024/11/30ඔබේ ඉරණම පාලනය කරගන්න දන්නවාද? | අජාන් බ්‍රහ්මවංසෝ හිමි | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:45:55
462024/11/29Ajahn Brahmavamso 2013 04 13 Guided Meditation Wondering mind01:14:16
472024/11/27Ajahn Brahm’s 50th Bhikkhu Anniversary Celebration at Dhammaloka (Part 2) | 1 December 202403:26:46
482024/11/27Ajahn Brahm’s 50th Bhikkhu Anniversary Celebration at Dhammaloka (Part 1) | 1 December 202401:47:15
492024/11/27Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 30 November 202401:04:07
502024/11/27Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 29 November 202401:52:11
512024/11/26Ajahn Brahm's 50th Bhikkhu Anniversary Day | Ajahn Brahm | 5 December 202401:21:30
522024/11/24Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 22 November 202400:27:52
532024/11/218 Brahmavamso 2012 04 21 Developing01:18:21
542024/11/20Sutta class | Ajahn Brahm | 24 November 202401:13:09
552024/11/20Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 23 November 202401:01:52
562024/11/20Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 22 November 202401:50:45
572024/11/17Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 15 November 202400:26:08
582024/11/17දයාවන්ත භාවනාවකට මග පෙන්වීමක් | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:31:33
592024/11/15කායික විවේකයට භාවනාවෙන් මග පෙන්වීමක්.. | ජාන් බ්‍රහ්මවංසෝ හිමි | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:28:44
602024/11/13Venerable Candā and Ajahn Brahm: It’s Not Your Fault! The Buddhist Society of Norway, 29.11.202201:57:54
612024/11/13Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 16 November 202401:06:05
622024/11/13Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 15 November 202401:47:00
632024/11/10“වටිනාකමක් නැති කෙනෙක්” ඔබටත් මෙහෙම හිතෙනවා ද? (ඇබ්බැහිවීම්, සහ ප්‍රතික්‍ෂේපවීම්) | Ven Ajahn Brahm01:06:40
642024/11/09Life As A Monk Or Nun | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:11:25
652024/11/07Ajahn Brahmavamso | Advanced Meditation Watching01:15:51
662024/11/06𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐼𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 – 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟? 𝑂𝑙𝑑 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟? 𝑂𝑟 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟? by Ajahn Brahm - 20240107 2024-11-06 11:3201:37:25
672024/11/03Emptiness | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:14:25
682024/11/03වැරදි තීරණ නිසා වටිනා අවස්ථා මගහැරුණා ද? (Learn To Control Your Own Destiny) | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:46:02
692024/11/02ඔබත් වැරදේ දැයි බියෙන් ජීවිතයේ තීරණ නොගෙන සිටිනවා ද? අජාන් බ්‍රහ්මවංසෝ හිමි | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:46:05
702024/10/29බලාපොරොත්තු සුන්වීම ආශිර්වාදයක් කරගන්නේ කොහොම ද? Don't be disappointed | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:53:52
712024/10/28Lessons From The Road | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:00:22
722024/10/27Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 25 October 202400:31:40
732024/10/27ඔබත් ජීවිතය ගැන කලකිරීමෙන් ද? (Don't be disappointed) | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:53:59
742024/10/26Ajahn Brahmavamso | Restlessness01:18:12
752024/10/24Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 26 October 202401:22:25
762024/10/24Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 25 October 202401:41:15
772024/10/20Clairvoyance | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:08:00
782024/10/19Ven Ajahn Brahm Thero | අජාන් බ්‍රහ්ම් හිමි #ajahnchah #ajahnbrahm #dhammatalk #ajahnbrahmdhammatalk00:01:13
792024/10/19පැමිණිලි නවත්තලා සිනහවෙන් අරඹන්න(ඔබට දුකෙන් මිදෙන්න පුළුවන් ද?) Making Our Own Joy | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:59:29
802024/10/17මැසිවිලි නොනගා කටයුතු ප්‍රීතියෙන් කරන්නේ කෙසේද? Making Our Own Joy | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:59:33
812024/10/142024 Nov (12/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:03:01
822024/10/142024 Nov (11/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:53:27
832024/10/142024 Nov (10/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:05:34
842024/10/142024 Nov (9/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:57:24
852024/10/142024 Nov (8/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:03:47
862024/10/142024 Nov (7/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:59:58
872024/10/142024 Nov (6/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:01:52
882024/10/142024 Nov (5/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:51:01
892024/10/142024 Nov (4/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm00:59:54
902024/10/142024 Nov (3/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:27:16
912024/10/142024 Nov (2/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:04:27
922024/10/142024 Nov (1/27) | 9-Day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:07:08
932024/10/13Ajahn Brahmavamso | Relaxing01:07:59
942024/10/13Smart thinking, boy wonder! | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:11:56
952024/10/13මේ මොහොතේ පරමානන්දනීය සුවය අත්දකින රහස | Ven Ajahn Brahm - සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ00:55:32
962024/10/06Ajahn Brahmavamso | Skillful 2024-10-12 01:4201:11:24
972024/10/06ඔබ ඉදිරියේ ඉන්න මුළු ලෝකෙන්ම වැදගත් පුද්ගලයා ගැන දන්නවාද? | Ven Ajahn Brahm - සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ00:25:23
982024/10/06Unceremonious Buddhism | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:11:56
992024/10/01සතිමත් වූවිට මෙතෙක් අත්නොවිදි සංවේදනා දැනෙන්න ගන්නවා | Ven Ajahn Brahm - සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ00:25:01
1002024/09/30Panic Attacks! | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:00:58
1012024/09/27Ajahn Brahmavamso | Meditation Posture01:16:16
1022024/09/26ඔබත්, ඔබට කරුණාවන්ත කෙනෙක් ද? Learn to be at peace with yourself | Ven Ajahn Brahm00:58:50
1032024/09/22සතිමත් සිහිය විශිෂ්ට මතකයකට මග පාදනවා ද? | Ven Ajahn Brahm - සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ00:24:56
1042024/09/22Don't Be A Sicko! | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:03:57
1052024/09/17සතිය හා කරුණාව තුළින් කායික විවේකයට මග පෙන්වීමක් | Ven Ajahn Brahm - සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ00:28:40
1062024/09/15Which Yana? Hahayana! | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:08:49
1072024/09/08The Ending of Relationships | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:08:49
1082024/09/08විඥානය පිළිබඳ බෞද්ධ අදහස (Buddhist Idea of Consciousness) Ven Ajahn Brahm - සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ01:51:29
1092024/09/01Endurance | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:56:30
1102024/08/25Tearing The Hinges Off The Door | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:52:36
1112024/08/19Journey of Ajahn Brahm | 7 August 202400:06:29
1122024/08/18O Símile do Copo por Ajahn Brahm00:03:46
1132024/08/18Loneliness | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:57:59
1142024/08/17Ajahn Brahm 73rd Birthday Greetings from Organisations | 7 August 202400:14:43
1152024/08/17Ajahn Brahm 73rd Birthday Greetings from Monastics | 7 August 202400:08:55
1162024/08/17Ajahn Brahm 73rd Birthday Greetings from Lay supporters (full version) | 7 August 202400:08:37
1172024/08/17Ajahn Brahm 73rd Birthday Greetings from Lay supporters (condensed) | 7 August 202400:03:42
1182024/08/11The Essence of Pilgrimage | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:01:25
1192024/08/11Happy 73rd Birthday Ajahn Brahm (2024)00:04:41
1202024/08/09Ajahn Brahm's 73rd Birthday04:09:39
1212024/08/09Ajahn Brahm’s 73rd Birthday Part 2 – Online Silent Auction00:08:02
1222024/08/09Ajahn Brahm’s 73rd Birthday Part 1 - Online Silent Auction00:09:56
1232024/08/04Buddhist Response to Euthanasia | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:01:28
1242024/08/01Ajahn Brahm on Five Hindrances/අජාන් බ්‍රහ්මවංසෝ පෙන්වන පංච නීවර්‍ර්ණ ධර්ම/සමාධි පච්චයා යථභූත දස්සනා01:07:11
1252024/08/01අත්හැරීමේ මාර්ග හතරක් (Four Ways Of Letting Go) Ven Ajahn Brahm - සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ00:56:04
1262024/07/28Tranquility in Conflict | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:01:28
1272024/07/21Ajahn Brahm: “Give Loving Kindness to Your Brain” Day 3, Meditation and Q&A 20.06.2401:32:39
1282024/07/21Compassion and Stillness | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:54:57
1292024/07/21Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 19 July 202400:24:47
1302024/07/21මමත්වය කියන්නේ මොකක්ද? (What is Ego) Ven Ajahn Brahm - සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ01:15:50
1312024/07/16Kamma in Buddhism | Ajahn Brahm | 19 July 202401:16:09
1322024/07/16The Importance Of Spiritual Friendship & Mettā | Ajahn Brahm | 12 Dec 202101:24:00
1332024/07/14Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 12 July 202400:28:05
1342024/07/14Emboldening the Mind with Fizz & Sparkle :"The Gradual Training | Ajahn Brahm | 11 Dec 202101:44:21
1352024/07/14Emboldening the Mind with Fizz & Sparkle :"Satipatthana : Mind & Objects | Ajahn Brahm | 9 Dec 202101:30:21
1362024/07/13Stop Trying to Meditate | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:05:34
1372024/07/11Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 12 July 202401:55:00
1382024/07/07Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 5 July 202400:24:16
1392024/07/03Ajahn Brahm: “The Soaring Heights of Liberation” Day 3, Dhamma Talk & Meditation 20.06.2401:30:09
1402024/07/03Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 5 July 202401:51:40
1412024/07/02වගකීම් කළමනාකරණය කරන්නේ කෙසේද?(How to Manage Responsibilities) Ven Ajahn Brahm - සිනාසෙන හාමුදුරුවෝ00:48:32
1422024/07/01Ajahn Brahm: “Imagine You're The Buddha” Day 2, Meditation and Q&A 19.06.2401:26:13
1432024/06/30Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 28 June 202400:21:39
1442024/06/28Ajahn Brahm: “Deeper Mindfulness, Deeper Bliss” Day 2, Dhamma Talk & Meditation 19.06.2401:25:25
1452024/06/26Ajahn Brahm: “Working with Body and Mind” Day 1, Meditation and Q&A 18.06.2401:29:52
1462024/06/26Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 29 June 202401:29:30
1472024/06/26Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 28 June 202401:45:39
1482024/06/24Ajahn Brahm: “Wisdom of Silence” Day 1, Opening Talk & Meditation 18.06.2401:45:05
1492024/06/23Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 21 June 202400:24:24
1502024/06/21Emboldening the Mind with Fizz & Sparkle :"Body & Corpse Contemplation | Ajahn Brahm | 9 Dec 202101:31:06
1512024/06/21Emboldening the Mind with Fizz & Sparkle :"Mindfulness of Body & Breath" | Ajahn Brahm | 8 Dec 202101:33:27
1522024/06/21Emboldening the Mind with Fizz & Sparkle :"Prerequisites for Mindfulness" | Ajahn Brahm | 7 Dec 202101:28:08
1532024/06/19Imperfections | Ajahn Brahm | 23 June 202401:22:20
1542024/06/19Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 22 June 202401:02:10
1552024/06/19Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 21 June 202401:55:40
1562024/06/17මනසේ ස්වභාවය (The Nature of the Mind) - Ven. Ajahn Brahm (Ajahn Brahmavaṃso)-සිනාසෙන සුදු හාමුදුරුවෝ00:49:54
1572024/06/16To Hell With Punishment | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:02:43
1582024/06/12Mini Vlog Ajahn Brahm Talkshow 2024 "BE KINDFUL" (region BALI)00:06:35
1592024/06/08Emboldening the Mind with Fizz & Sparkle :"Right Restraint" and Q&A | Ajahn Brahm | 6 December 202101:33:03
1602024/06/02Dealing With Tragedies | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:02:23
1612024/06/01Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 31 May 202400:25:13
1622024/05/29Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 1 June 202401:38:20
1632024/05/29Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 31 May 202401:12:49
1642024/05/26All Human Beings Are Worth It, Even Dog See It00:04:42
1652024/05/26What is Prison? | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:09:24
1662024/05/19Buddhism and Psychology | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:59:11
1672024/05/19Stop Conflicts Right Away Like A Buddhist Monk00:07:25
1682024/05/18Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 17 May 202400:28:23
1692024/05/15Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 17 May 202401:54:35
1702024/05/12How To Party Like a Buddhist00:04:51
1712024/05/12Hopelessness | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:49:56
1722024/05/10Ajahn Bram Explains Cessation /අජාන් බ්‍රහ්මවංසෝ නිරොධ සත්‍ය පැහැදිලි කරයි/සමාධි පච්චයා යථාභූත දස්සන00:58:50
1732024/05/05This Is Why Buddhism Is a Practice More Than a Religion00:07:01
1742024/05/05Mental Energy Equals Happiness | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:58:39
1752024/05/05Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 3 May 202400:31:22
1762024/05/01Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 4 May 202401:20:10
1772024/05/01Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 3 May 202401:42:30
1782024/04/28The Greatest Secret Of a Spiritual Life00:08:29
1792024/04/28Friday Night Guided Meditation |Ajahn Brahm | 26 April 202400:30:39
1802024/04/24Word of the Buddha (Part 15) | Ajahn Brahm | 28 April 202401:20:11
1812024/04/24Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 27 April 202401:29:10
1822024/04/24Dhamma Talk |Ajahn Brahm | 26 April 202401:43:15
1832024/04/23LIVE Dhamma talk - BSV | Ajahn Ajahn Aranavihari | 12 MAY 202401:37:05
1842024/04/22Doing What Is Good | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:54:00
1852024/04/21This Is How You Can Relax And Become Patient00:09:10
1862024/04/21Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 19 April 202400:26:11
1872024/04/17Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 20 April 202401:18:06
1882024/04/17Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 19 April 202401:43:25
1892024/04/162023-03-22 Ajahn Brahm HKU Day of Kindfulness 2. Morning Meditation00:31:17
1902024/04/162023-03-22 Ajahn Brahm Day of Kindfulness 1. Morning Talk00:55:05
1912024/04/162023-03-22 Ajahn Brahm Day of Kindfulness 3.00:52:14
1922024/04/162024-03-06 Ajahn Brahm HKUCBH Day of Mindfulness 1. Morning Session00:58:09
1932024/04/162024-03-06 Ajahn Brahm HKUCBH Day of Mindfulness 2. Afternoon Talk01:11:12
1942024/04/162024-03-06 Ajahn Brahm HKUCBH Day of Mindfulness 3. Afternoon Meditation and Q&A00:59:30
1952024/04/162024-03-10 Ajahn Brahm Hong Kong Retreat Day 4 Afternoon Talk and Meditation02:01:30
1962024/04/162024-03-10 Ajahn Brahm Hong Kong Retreat Day 4 Morning Talk01:12:47
1972024/04/162024-03-09 Ajahn Brahm Hong Kong Retreat Day 3 Evening Q&A01:52:58
1982024/04/162024-03-09 Ajahn Brahm Hong Kong Retreat Day 3 Afternoon Sutta Session01:14:31
1992024/04/162024-03-09 Ajahn Brahm Hong Kong Retreat Day 3 Morning Talk01:03:43
2002024/04/162024-03-08 Ajahn Brahm Hong Kong Retreat Day 2 Evening Q&A01:29:54
2012024/04/162024-03-08 Ajahn Brahm Hong Kong Retreat Day 2 Afternoon Sutta Session01:11:42
2022024/04/162024-03-08 Ajahn Brahm Hong Kong Retreat Day 2 Morning Talk01:04:37
2032024/04/162024-03-07 Ajahn Brahm Hong Kong Retreat Day 1 Evening Talk01:29:45
2042024/04/15Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 12 April 202400:25:40
2052024/04/14Who's Right? | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:54:35
2062024/04/14The Power of Kindness and Compassion | How Small Acts of Kindness Ignite Big Changes00:08:12
2072024/04/10Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 13 April 202401:12:15
2082024/04/10Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 12 April 202401:40:35
2092024/04/09LIVE Vesak 2024 - BSV | Ajahn Brahm | 26 MAY 202402:02:20
2102024/04/09Kiss a tiger story by Ajahn Brahm00:01:53
2112024/04/07Self Discipline | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:50:02
2122024/04/07The 7 monks story by Ajahn Brahm00:04:56
2132024/04/06The five fingers story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:28
2142024/03/31How To Deal With Pain | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:58:04
2152024/03/30Ajahn Brahm - Day Of Practice (Talk 3 of 3)01:18:32
2162024/03/30Ajahn Brahm - Day Of Practice (Talk 2 of 3)01:23:33
2172024/03/30Ajahn Brahm - Day Of Practice (Talk 1 of 3)01:53:52
2182024/03/30Ajahn Brahm - The Power of Stillness - Public Talk02:29:44
2192024/03/28The law of attraction debunked by a Buddhist monk00:01:46
2202024/03/27It is great being simple00:01:44
2212024/03/26This is better than life insurance00:02:10
2222024/03/25The injured woman in the elevator story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:26
2232024/03/24The Buddhist Attitude to Animal Abuse | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:00:20
2242024/03/24Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 22 March 202400:30:19
2252024/03/24The best craving you can have00:01:16
2262024/03/23This is why you should invest in the Karma market00:01:48
2272024/03/22The best investment according to Buddhism (Karma)00:01:51
2282024/03/21How to NOT retire in peace?00:02:31
2292024/03/20Word of the Buddha (Part 14) | Ajahn Brahm | 24 March 202401:34:34
2302024/03/20Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 23 March 202401:31:20
2312024/03/20Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 22 March 202401:39:15
2322024/03/20What are the best qualities in life?00:01:45
2332024/03/19The buglar and the abbot story by Ajahn Brahm00:04:01
2342024/03/18This is why you should not listen to other people00:02:57
2352024/03/17Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 15 March 202400:30:37
2362024/03/17Dependent Origination | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:03:10
2372024/03/17Minimalism leads to freedom00:01:50
2382024/03/16The cost of having a lot of money00:02:11
2392024/03/13Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 16 March 202401:23:26
2402024/03/13Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 15 March 202401:49:45
2412024/03/13This is the perfect income for happiness by Ajahn Brahm00:01:42
2422024/03/10Reborn ... Again! | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:12:19
2432024/03/03Free Will | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:02:49
2442024/03/03Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 1 March 202400:32:38
2452024/03/03Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-16 (Part 4 of 5)01:26:16
2462024/03/03Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-16 (Part 3 of 5) - Strong Mindfulness01:33:04
2472024/03/03Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-16 (Part 2 of 5) - Disappearance00:29:07
2482024/03/03Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-16 (Part 1 of 5) - Wisdom & Compassion00:46:52
2492024/03/01Why we can't be happy together?00:02:04
2502024/02/29A story on control and power00:03:04
2512024/02/28Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 1 March 202401:49:15
2522024/02/28The #1 secret to a long term relationship00:02:42
2532024/02/27Don't let anything control your happiness00:02:08
2542024/02/26Don't allow your mind to be tortured00:02:05
2552024/02/25Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 23 February 202400:28:02
2562024/02/25Doomsday! | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:55:06
2572024/02/25This is the true power of Buddhism00:02:19
2582024/02/24Ajahn Brahm - 2017-11-07 - Importance of Meditation02:10:56
2592024/02/24Ajahn Brahm - 2017-11-06 - Effective Management01:25:07
2602024/02/24Ajahn Brahm - 2017-11-06 - Interview01:01:03
2612024/02/24There is no hierarchy in Buddhism, you are the authority00:01:49
2622024/02/23Word of the Buddha (Part 13) | Ajahn Brahm | 25 February 202401:37:55
2632024/02/23This could make a better world00:02:08
2642024/02/22Ajahn Brahm: "The Way of Buddhist Insight" Retreat Day 1 - Sutta Class & Guided Meditation 18.11.2301:37:15
2652024/02/22Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 24 February 202401:16:30
2662024/02/22Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 23 February 202401:48:45
2672024/02/22The gipsy woman story by Ajahn Brahm00:02:23
2682024/02/21Buddhist monks Vs. witch00:01:40
2692024/02/20The real power of stillness00:02:15
2702024/02/19Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-15 - Kindness & Mindfulness00:58:22
2712024/02/19Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-13 - Four Noble Truths & Eight Fold Path01:24:25
2722024/02/19Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-14 - Interview00:45:38
2732024/02/19Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-13 - A Dhamma Talk at Mulkirigala, Sri Lanka01:03:14
2742024/02/19Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-12 - Dhamma Talk at Maharagama Bhikku Training Centre, Sri Lanka01:11:25
2752024/02/19Make peace, nor war for your meditations00:01:42
2762024/02/19Having Your Cake | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:15:08
2772024/02/18Ajahn Brahm: "The Way of Buddhist Insight" Retreat Day 1 - Opening Talk & Guided Meditation 18.11.2301:24:02
2782024/02/18The #1 secret to meditation and a powerless mind00:01:43
2792024/02/17A joke on power, I know all about it00:02:26
2802024/02/16The happiness of empowered other people00:01:33
2812024/02/15Guided Metta Meditation | 26 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 202300:38:50
2822024/02/15This is how anger leads to depression00:02:41
2832024/02/14The wrong way of controling things00:02:35
2842024/02/13Morning Q&A | 26 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | Silence Born of Wisdom00:33:17
2852024/02/13Your body belongs to nature00:02:14
2862024/02/12More we want to control, bigger is the ego00:02:02
2872024/02/11Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 9 February 202400:20:20
2882024/02/11Freedom From Self-Hate | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:01:38
2892024/02/11This is what is the closest of an evil being00:02:19
2902024/02/10Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: Contracts Exchanged! - Special Monastery Meeting 10.02.2401:00:24
2912024/02/10Power, control and creation00:03:08
2922024/02/09A little trick for meditation00:02:10
2932024/02/08Evening Q&A | 25 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | Relax to the Max02:21:44
2942024/02/08What if I cannot meditate00:02:14
2952024/02/07Word of the Buddha (Part 12) | Ajahn Brahm | 11 February 202401:31:20
2962024/02/07Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 10 February 202401:26:05
2972024/02/07Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 9 February 202401:26:30
2982024/02/07The real power of mindfulness00:01:30
2992024/02/06Morning Talk | 25 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | Maestros of Our Own Path01:01:43
3002024/02/06You must have quiet time daily for a better life00:02:11
3012024/02/05Assumptions | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:03:44
3022024/02/05You deserve to relax and to be in peace00:02:54
3032024/02/04Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 2 February 202400:13:43
3042024/02/04The solution of a tired mind, do this now00:02:41
3052024/02/03Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 3 February 202401:17:21
3062024/02/03This happen when kindness is all around00:02:16
3072024/02/02Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 2 February 202400:08:10
3082024/02/02Supernatural and Inspirational Stories About Monks | Ajahn Brahm | 2 February 202401:16:52
3092024/02/02Deeper Meditation - Armadale Meditation Group | Ajahn Brahm | 30 January 202401:31:29
3102024/02/02Why people have dysfunctional reaction to life?00:02:30
3112024/02/01Evening Q&A | 24 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | Virtue Leads to A Bright Mind01:34:33
3122024/02/01There are no bad choices in life00:02:08
3132024/01/31Wisdom and emotions, how to deal with them00:02:48
3142024/01/30Morning Talk | 24 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | Insight Born of Stillness01:10:32
3152024/01/30Train your wife or husband like a dolphin00:02:11
3162024/01/29Why you get offended easily?00:02:09
3172024/01/28Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 26 January 202400:27:54
3182024/01/28Your happiness is controlled by fear00:02:27
3192024/01/27The Values of Buddhism | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:52:54
3202024/01/27Ajahn Brahm is visiting Sydney: 16 - 18 February 2024!00:01:08
3212024/01/27So much rubbish in your mind00:01:51
3222024/01/26Ajahn Brahm is visiting Sydney: 16-18 February 2024!00:01:08
3232024/01/26This is how you energized your brain all day00:02:37
3242024/01/25Evening Q&A | 23 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | Nurturing Honesty with Kindness01:42:48
3252024/01/25Happiness comes from stillness00:02:03
3262024/01/24Word of the Buddha (Part 11) | Ajahn Brahm | 28 January 202401:24:11
3272024/01/24Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 27 January 202401:30:46
3282024/01/24Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 26 January 202401:42:16
3292024/01/24One arm painter joke by Ajahn Brahm00:02:53
3302024/01/23Morning Talk | 23 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | Hindrances in Meditation (Part 2)01:04:23
3312024/01/23What is a normal state of mind?00:01:25
3322024/01/22Depression arises if you try to control too much00:02:10
3332024/01/21Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 19 January 202400:26:05
3342024/01/21Praise and Blame | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:58:24
3352024/01/21SPA Vs. Meditation (Stanford University research on Mindfulness)00:04:03
3362024/01/20This is why kids need quiet time00:02:27
3372024/01/19Ajahn Brahm: "Embracing Anxiety and Fear" Guided Meditation,Dhamma Talk,Q&A in Oxford QMH 17.11.2302:10:47
3382024/01/19The multiple benefits of meditation (mindfulness)00:02:19
3392024/01/18Evening Q&A | 22 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | Diffusing Violence with Stillness01:57:36
3402024/01/18How meditation change the world?00:01:59
3412024/01/17Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 20 January 202401:21:05
3422024/01/17Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 19 January 202401:38:31
3432024/01/17How to really investigate into your relationship?00:03:27
3442024/01/16Morning Talk | 22 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | Hindrances in Meditation (Part 1)01:14:38
3452024/01/16What are the highest values?00:01:50
3462024/01/15Ajahn Brahm: "Be Compassionate to Yourself" Guided Meditation, Dhamma Talk, Q&A in Bristol 15.11.2301:56:15
3472024/01/15The key to tolerance and acceptance00:02:56
3482024/01/14Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 12 January 202400:25:33
3492024/01/14Buddhism and the Body | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:54:34
3502024/01/14A doctor and his hypochondriac patient joke by Ajahn Brahm00:02:59
3512024/01/13Ajahn Brahm: "The Right Approach to Jhana" Guided Med, Dhamma Talk, Q&A in Oxford (Wolfson) 14.11.2302:02:38
3522024/01/13What is like to be the opposite of you?00:01:41
3532024/01/12Problems are opportunity for growth, this is the meaning of life00:02:38
3542024/01/11Evening Q&A | 21 December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 2023 | The Crooked Trees in the Forest01:57:03
3552024/01/11Ajahn Brahm and his relationship with mosquitoes00:04:25
3562024/01/10Word of the Buddha (Part 10) | Ajahn Brahm | 14 January 202401:33:00
3572024/01/10Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 13 January 202401:25:14
3582024/01/10Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 12 January 202401:47:22
3592024/01/10Grow from pain to become a better human being00:03:02
3602024/01/09Morning Talk | 21st December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 202301:02:07
3612024/01/09Even the worst people can change00:02:21
3622024/01/08Why punishment is wrong?00:02:48
3632024/01/07Ajahn Brahm: "Buddhist Optimism" Guided Meditation, Dhamma Talk and Q&A in Manchester 12.11.2301:57:22
3642024/01/07Be Patient | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:59:28
3652024/01/07A joke on religions by Ajahn Brahm00:04:47
3662024/01/06MN32. The Longer Discourse at Gosigna - Mahāgosiṅga Sutta | The Buddha’s Wisdom Podcast00:14:34
3672024/01/06Problem of fundamentalism in this world00:01:12
3682024/01/05From rejection to be understood00:02:43
3692024/01/04Evening Q&A | 20th December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 202301:42:09
3702024/01/04Try to understand what's going on in your relationship00:03:14
3712024/01/03New Year's Eve Quiz with Ajahn Brahm | 31 December 202301:13:24
3722024/01/03Why are we so afraid of dying? (Dhamma talk in english)00:02:33
3732024/01/02Morning Talk | 20th December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 202301:06:04
3742024/01/02Everybody gets old and sick, so relax00:02:44
3752024/01/01Understand pain is better than tolerate it00:02:14
3762023/12/31A Buddhist Attitude to Life | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:57:09
3772023/12/31Addicted to screens, here is the solution00:02:50
3782023/12/30Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 29 December 202300:23:25
3792023/12/30MN31. The Shorter Discourse at Gosinga - Cūḷagosiṅga Sutta | The Buddha’s Wisdom Podcast00:15:25
3802023/12/30This is how you deal with illness and pain00:03:17
3812023/12/29Evening Q&A | 19th December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 202301:34:28
3822023/12/29Morning Talk | 19th December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 202301:27:33
3832023/12/29How to investigate traumas?00:03:27
3842023/12/29Evening Talk | 18th December | Ajahn Brahm Meditation Retreat 202301:26:02
3852023/12/28Ajahn Brahm Speaks on Direct Path / ලොව ප්‍රචලිත මාර්ග ඵල ලාභී අජාන් බ්‍රහ්මවංසෝ දක්වන එකායන මර්ගය/00:57:03
3862023/12/28What to do with personnal boundaries?00:04:20
3872023/12/27New Year's Eve with Ajahn Brahm | 31 December 202303:22:26
3882023/12/27Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 30 December 202301:19:10
3892023/12/27Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 29 December 202301:34:01
3902023/12/27Most of your thoughts are complains00:02:11
3912023/12/26The law of karma and this is good enough00:02:18
3922023/12/25Do this for better meditations00:02:15
3932023/12/23Consciousness | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:04:15
3942023/12/22MN30. The Shorter Simile of the Heartwood | Cūḷasāropama Sutta | The Buddha’s Wisdom Podcast00:15:51
3952023/12/21Buddha in the Bedroom - Buddhist Insights & CBT for Tranquil Sleep by Dr Phang Cheng Kar 2023121002:14:11
3962023/12/21Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!"Day 3-Mettā Meditation,Blessing,Q&A 11.11.2301:13:41
3972023/12/19Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 3 - Sutta Class 11.11.2300:57:08
3982023/12/192023 October- November (22/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm00:57:20
3992023/12/192023 October- November (21/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:04:21
4002023/12/192023 October- November (19/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:04:01
4012023/12/192023 October- November (18/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:12:34
4022023/12/192023 October- November (17/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:29:02
4032023/12/192023 October- November (16/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:15:00
4042023/12/18Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 3 - Dhamma Talk & Guided Med 11.11.2301:23:52
4052023/12/17Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 2 - Q&A, Meditation, Blessing 10.11.2301:23:53
4062023/12/17Doubt | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:59:57
4072023/12/16Ajahn Brahm's Last Day & Blessing at Anukampa Vihara 20.11.2300:06:27
4082023/12/152023 October- November (15/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:08:02
4092023/12/152023 October - November (14/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:24:42
4102023/12/152023 October- November (13/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:28:39
4112023/12/152023 October - November (12/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:07:21
4122023/12/152023 October- November (11/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:19:53
4132023/12/152023 October- November (10/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm00:59:31
4142023/12/152023 October- November (9/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:06:46
4152023/12/152023 October- November (8/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:29:36
4162023/12/152023 October- November (7/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:17:39
4172023/12/152023 October- November (6/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:04:47
4182023/12/152023 October- November (5/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:11:45
4192023/12/152023 October- November (4/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:02:51
4202023/12/152023 October - November (3/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:04:09
4212023/12/152023 October- November (2/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm01:01:33
4222023/12/152023 October- November (1/22) | 9 day Retreat | Ajahn Brahm00:53:17
4232023/12/14Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 2 - Sutta Class 10.11.2300:45:01
4242023/12/13Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 2 - Dhamma Talk & Guided Med 10.11.2301:22:49
4252023/12/12Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 1 - Q&A, Meditation, Blessing 09.11.2301:04:08
4262023/12/11Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 8 December 202300:25:59
4272023/12/10What is Good? | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:03:13
4282023/12/09Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 1 - Guided Meditation 09.11.2300:46:44
4292023/12/08Sound of birds against sound of babies00:01:18
4302023/12/07Important possibility for the world00:02:15
4312023/12/05Buddhism and Mental Illness | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:57:31
4322023/12/05Love, peace, simplicity of celibacy00:03:01
4332023/12/04How to be happy single?00:02:46
4342023/12/03Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 1 December 202300:28:49
4352023/12/03This is how to be happy all the time00:02:12
4362023/12/02A joke on Patience00:02:30
4372023/12/01Simplicity will make you love yourself00:02:35
4382023/11/30Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 1 - Opening Talk & Guided Med 09.11.2301:17:52
4392023/11/28The best relationship is with yourself00:02:41
4402023/11/27Ajahn Brahm:"Non Self&Responsibility" Guided Med,Dhamma Talk,Q&A at Thames Buddhist Vihara 07.11.2302:16:39
4412023/11/26Karma's consequences with restreint by Ajahn Brahm00:08:31
4422023/11/26Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 24 November 202300:23:45
4432023/11/26Closing Words from Ajahn Brahm&Ven Candā: Property Update&Why Bhikkhuni Ordination Matters! 20.11.2300:08:59
4442023/11/25Cow's Psychology can be applied to Humans00:03:41
4452023/11/22The Importance of Being Single by Ajahn Brahm (Dhamma talk in English)00:10:25
4462023/11/22Word of the Buddha (Part 8) | Ajahn Brahm | 26 November 202301:27:42
4472023/11/22Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 25 November 202301:33:45
4482023/11/22Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 24 November 202301:47:00
4492023/11/22Ajahn Brahm: "What is Letting Go?" Guided Med, Dhamma Talk and Q&A at London Scottish House 20.11.2302:00:20
4502023/11/21The Turtle with a moustache story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:14
4512023/11/20Ajahn Brahm: "What is Letting Go?" Guided Meditation & Dhamma Talk & Q&A 20.11.2301:37:54
4522023/11/20The solution to suffering is no solution00:02:41
4532023/11/19Urgent Property Update: Our Ideal Forest Monastery Is So Close! 19.11.2300:09:50
4542023/11/19Ajahn Brahm: "The Way of Buddhist Insight" Retreat -Day 2- Q&A,Metta Med,Discussion on ABP 19.11.2302:04:24
4552023/11/19Meditation is better than sexual orgasm when does well00:02:43
4562023/11/18Ajahn Brahm: "The Way of Buddhist Insight" Retreat -Day 2- Dhamma Talk & Guided Meditation 19.11.2301:33:30
4572023/11/18Ajahn Brahm: "The Way of Buddhist Insight" Retreat -Day 1- Q&A 18.11.2301:38:04
4582023/11/18You do NOT have to exercise, do this instead00:02:31
4592023/11/17Do you love and care for your mind ?00:02:29
4602023/11/16This is how you control anger, buddhist center openning story by Ajahn Brahm00:07:34
4612023/11/15How to make peace propely, become invulnerable00:01:21
4622023/11/14Ajahn Brahm: "The Way of Buddhist Insight" Retreat -Day 1- Dhamma Talk & Guided Meditation 18.11.2301:28:39
4632023/11/14Negativity towards people, lack of wisdom00:03:01
4642023/11/13Wisdom on relationship, open the door of your heart00:02:06
4652023/11/12Knowing | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:59:23
4662023/11/12Embracing the truth of reality of life, then let go00:01:46
4672023/11/10Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 3 - Mettā Meditation&Disc ABP 11.11.2301:18:32
4682023/11/10Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 3 - Dhamma Talk & Guided Med 11.11.2301:30:00
4692023/11/10Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 2 - Q&A + Silent Med&Blessing 10.11.2301:26:10
4702023/11/10We've all been sick story by Ajahn Brahm00:02:04
4712023/11/09Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 2 - Dhamma Talk & Guided Med 10.11.2301:24:32
4722023/11/09Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 1 - Q&A + Silent Med&Blessing 09.11.2301:12:57
4732023/11/06Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Rest in Peace Before You Die!" Day 1 - Opening Talk & Guided Med 09.11.2301:23:48
4742023/11/06Ajahn Brahm - Woń Wyzwolenia - Klasztorna Mowa 1999 [Napisy PL]00:49:22
4752023/11/06The monk suffering story by Ajahn Brahm00:02:35
4762023/11/05What the Buddha Taught | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:49:44
4772023/11/05Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 3 November 202300:25:59
4782023/11/05From one suffering to another00:01:57
4792023/11/04Marriage suffering explained by Ajahn Brahm00:02:44
4802023/11/02Buddhist View on Injustices | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:02:12
4812023/11/01Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 3 November 202301:41:09
4822023/10/29Buddhist View on Injustices | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:02:12
4832023/10/29The first teaching of The Buddha00:02:35
4842023/10/28You cannot only change your attitude to get joy in life00:02:04
4852023/10/27Understand people and the world in order to do big change00:01:40
4862023/10/26Be careful and mindful00:02:23
4872023/10/25Our possessions stand in the way00:02:25
4882023/10/24Simplify your life, a plasma TV story00:01:41
4892023/10/23Responsibility | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:53:57
4902023/10/23The simplicity of life from a monk by Ajahn Brahm00:02:11
4912023/10/22The old lady covers with blood story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:21
4922023/10/21Why a small house is better?00:01:46
4932023/10/20How to live simply? Example sets by a monk00:02:35
4942023/10/19Monks are true example of simplicity00:01:45
4952023/10/18Do Buddhists do social actions?00:02:49
4962023/10/17Compassion brings people together00:02:13
4972023/10/16We must listen with a silent mind00:02:05
4982023/10/15Understanding gives you more alternatives00:01:43
4992023/10/14Link between anger and addiction00:01:29
5002023/10/13The Antidote to Fear of the Future by Ajahn Brahm - 2022122801:47:07
5012023/10/13Are you really compassionate?00:02:06
5022023/10/12Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-15 (Part 6 of 6) - Meditation Practice00:12:04
5032023/10/12Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-15 (Part 5 of 6) - Insight & Calm01:04:33
5042023/10/12Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-15 (Part 4 of 6) - How to Meditate01:03:18
5052023/10/12Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-15 (Part 3 of 6) - How to Focus00:30:27
5062023/10/12Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-15 (Part 2 of 6) - Meditation for Youth00:53:52
5072023/10/12Ajahn Brahm - 2014-06-15 (Part 1 of 6) - Kindness & Mindfulness00:58:22
5082023/10/12Understand first, change then00:02:06
5092023/10/11How to listen to your body?00:02:20
5102023/10/10Communication is the key of all changes00:02:15
5112023/10/09Why we practice mindfulness?00:02:28
5122023/10/08Way to Stillness Meditation Retreat by Ajahn Brahm with Q&A - 221228 (Part 3 out of 3)01:17:09
5132023/10/08Harmony amongst different Buddhist tradition00:01:49
5142023/10/07Way to Stillness Meditation Retreat by Ajahn Brahm - 20221228 (Part 2 out of 3)01:07:19
5152023/10/07Know the world before change it00:02:34
5162023/10/06Way to Stillness Meditation Retreat by Ajahn Brahm - 20221228 (Part 1 out of 3)01:03:07
5172023/10/06A cathedral, a bomb and friendship00:02:57
5182023/10/05A flight delayed story by Ajahn Brahm00:02:41
5192023/10/04When Buddha chose the spiritual path00:02:48
5202023/10/03Buddhists are responsible of their environment00:01:50
5212023/10/02When to attach and when to detach?00:01:51
5222023/10/01Responsibility | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:53:57
5232023/10/01The difference between detachment and denial00:01:29
5252023/09/30Your are responsible for disconnecting when needed00:01:18
5262023/09/29Help others when empty00:02:00
5272023/09/28What makes a good listener?00:02:05
5282023/09/27The best secret in life00:02:12
5292023/09/26The 2 boys playing story by Ajahn Brahm00:02:39
5302023/09/25Mudita - Sympathetic Joy | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:50:28
5312023/09/25Enter freedom whenever you want00:01:51
5322023/09/24What to do when overhelmed?00:02:18
5332023/09/23When Ajahn Brahm was sick story00:02:23
5342023/09/22Are you able to disconnect your body from the mind?00:01:50
5352023/09/21Ajahn Brahm's hero story00:03:24
5362023/09/20Do not let illness control your happiness00:01:57
5372023/09/19When emotions go too far00:02:22
5382023/09/18The concrete screen story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:18
5392023/09/17Do not let sadness control you00:02:03
5402023/09/16Can you disconnect from other people?00:02:29
5412023/09/15Are you able to disconnect from negativity?00:02:32
5422023/09/14You have the power to change all around you00:02:17
5432023/09/13How to spread happiness?00:02:11
5442023/09/12The lollypop lady story by Ajahn Brahm00:02:05
5452023/09/11The most important Buddhist Precept00:02:09
5462023/09/10Karma in action00:02:19
5472023/09/09Kecerdasan Bukanlah Kebijaksanaan | Ajahn Brahm00:07:12
5482023/09/09The homeless and the English gentleman story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:24
5492023/09/08England is ... all grey00:01:30
5502023/09/07Are we all connected?00:01:56
5512023/09/06This video will make your life happier00:03:01
5522023/09/05When emotions really move you....00:02:15
5532023/09/04Positive emotions must be developed00:02:06
5542023/09/03Why inspiration is an important emotion?00:02:18
5552023/09/02Meditation for the Voice Referendum | Ajahn Brahm | 9 Sep 202301:01:42
5562023/09/02How to generate compassion?00:02:20
5572023/09/01Developiong the gratitude mind00:02:08
5582023/08/31The problem with positive emotions00:02:19
5592023/08/30Bad and happy times would pass00:02:32
5602023/08/29This too would pass story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:38
5612023/08/28The law of Karma and your emotions00:02:12
5622023/08/27Stop adding negativity to your emotions00:02:12
5632023/08/26How to let go negative emotions?00:02:43
5642023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | English | Sri Lanka 2023-08-25 18:1400:28:31
5652023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | English | Sri Lanka00:28:30
5662023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-28 | Sinhala00:13:01
5672023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-28 | Sinhala00:13:01
5682023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-28 | English00:08:18
5692023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-28 | English00:08:18
5702023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-26 | Sinhala00:42:56
5712023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-28 | Sinhala00:42:56
5722023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-28 | English01:01:36
5732023/08/25Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-28 | English01:01:36
5742023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | English01:13:22
5752023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | English01:13:22
5762023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | English00:58:10
5772023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | English00:58:10
5782023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | Sinhala00:52:51
5792023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | Sinhala00:52:51
5802023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | English01:01:36
5812023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | English01:01:36
5822023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-26 | Sinhala00:52:51
5832023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | Sinhala00:52:51
5842023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | English00:59:06
5852023/08/24Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-27 | English00:59:06
5862023/08/23Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English00:59:19
5872023/08/23Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English00:59:19
5882023/08/23Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-24 | Sinhala00:40:25
5892023/08/23Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-24 | Sinhala00:40:25
5902023/08/23Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English00:59:30
5912023/08/23Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English00:59:30
5922023/08/23Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English01:08:15
5932023/08/23Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English01:08:15
5942023/08/23The little novice afraid of ghost story by Ajahn Brahm00:04:06
5952023/08/22The fear of ghosts in Thailand00:02:08
5962023/08/21Ajahn Brahm: 72nd Birthday Part 3 – Online Silent Auction for Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project00:08:18
5972023/08/21Stop anger before it is too late00:02:12
5982023/08/20Buddhism and Sexuality | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:02:11
5992023/08/20Don't get triggered by your emotions00:01:46
6002023/08/19Social conventions trigger emotions00:02:26
6012023/08/18"It's Not that Difficult" by Ajahn Brahm - 2023010101:31:00
6022023/08/18How to calm people down?00:02:42
6032023/08/17This is how emotions are generated00:03:10
6042023/08/16Ajahn Brahm’s 72nd Birthday Part 3 – Online Silent Auction00:08:18
6052023/08/16Ajahn Brahm Yes Statement for the Voice Referendum00:00:40
6062023/08/16The Buddhist hotline by Ajahn Brahm00:02:31
6072023/08/15Two kinds of emotions00:02:38
6082023/08/14Show the way with action00:01:29
6092023/08/13Scratching in the Wrong Place | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:49:47
6102023/08/13You don't own the truth00:01:46
6112023/08/12Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā: "Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project Update & Fundraiser" 06.08.2300:20:54
6122023/08/12There is no hierachy when you only give00:02:15
6132023/08/11There is no copyright in Buddhism00:02:01
6142023/08/10The Thai high class couple story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:12
6152023/08/09The great teaching of marriage00:02:03
6162023/08/08Relationships are the best teachers00:01:52
6172023/08/07The good and the bad of a life00:02:10
6182023/08/06Buddha nature in every moment00:02:25
6192023/08/05Cambridge VS Oxford00:01:54
6202023/08/04You must forgive one more time00:02:12
6212023/08/036 August 2023 Ajahn Brahm's 72nd Birthday Party & Auction In Jhana Grove Retreat Centre 12:15pm02:31:36
6222023/08/03Buddha nature in all beings00:02:17
6232023/08/02How to make a glass of water still?00:02:25
6242023/08/01Different outside but same inside00:03:05
6252023/07/31Friday Night Guided Meditation Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 28 July 202300:30:42
6262023/07/31Different robs colors00:03:06
6272023/07/30The Power of the Mind | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:03:04
6282023/07/30Study monks and meditation monks00:02:49
6292023/07/29The kidney donor story by Ajahn Brahm00:02:51
6302023/07/28Buddhist Ethics00:01:44
6312023/07/27@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | English01:05:39
6322023/07/27Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | English01:05:39
6332023/07/27Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | English00:57:08
6342023/07/27@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | English00:57:08
6352023/07/27Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | Sinhala00:47:02
6362023/07/27@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | Sinhala00:47:02
6372023/07/27Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | English01:02:53
6382023/07/27@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | English01:02:53
6392023/07/27Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | Sinhala00:47:02
6402023/07/27@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | Sinhala00:47:02
6412023/07/27Good people get corrupted by power00:02:05
6422023/07/27Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | English01:02:29
6432023/07/27@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-26 | English01:02:29
6442023/07/26Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | English01:06:05
6452023/07/26@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | English01:06:05
6462023/07/26Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | English01:01:10
6472023/07/26@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | English 2023-07-26 18:3101:01:10
6482023/07/26@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | Sinhala00:54:23
6492023/07/26Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | Sinhala00:54:23
6502023/07/26Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 29 July 202301:24:39
6512023/07/26Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 28 July 202301:44:30
6522023/07/26Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | English00:58:53
6532023/07/26@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | English00:58:53
6542023/07/26Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | Sinhala00:58:24
6552023/07/26@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | Sinhala00:58:24
6562023/07/26We all know deeply what is wrong or not00:02:44
6572023/07/26Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | English01:03:30
6582023/07/26@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-25 | English01:03:30
6592023/07/25@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English01:00:49
6602023/07/25Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English01:00:49
6612023/07/25No common sense in Biuddhism make life easier00:03:00
6622023/07/24Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English01:08:15
6632023/07/24@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English01:08:15
6642023/07/24Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English00:59:30
6652023/07/24@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English00:59:30
6662023/07/24Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | Sinhala00:40:25
6672023/07/24@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | Sinhala00:40:25
6682023/07/24Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English00:59:19
6692023/07/24@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English00:59:19
6702023/07/24Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | Sinhala00:57:10
6712023/07/24@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | Sinhala00:57:10
6722023/07/24The lost angels jokes from Ajahn Brahm00:02:30
6732023/07/24Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English01:00:49
6742023/07/24@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-24 | English01:00:49
6752023/07/23Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | English00:56:48
6762023/07/23@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | English00:56:48
6772023/07/23Bực dọc | Ajahn Brahm | 18-03-201100:56:24
6782023/07/23Arrogance has no part in Buddhism00:02:44
6792023/07/2323/7 (Sunday) Last Talk 8:15am-9:15am00:46:30
6802023/07/22Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | English01:03:39
6812023/07/22@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | English01:03:39
6822023/07/22Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | English00:58:03
6832023/07/22@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | English00:58:03
6842023/07/22@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | Sinhala00:57:51
6852023/07/22Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | Sinhala00:57:51
6862023/07/22Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | English01:02:41
6872023/07/22@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | English01:02:41
6882023/07/22Addictions and Obsessions | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:50:23
6892023/07/22@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | Sinhala01:00:13
6902023/07/22Different branches of Buddhism00:02:36
6912023/07/22@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | English01:01:36
6922023/07/22Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | Sinhala00:46:18
6932023/07/22Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | English01:01:38
6942023/07/21A common belief of peace and compassion00:02:48
6952023/07/20@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-20 | Sinhala01:02:22
6962023/07/20@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-20 | English01:13:16
6972023/07/20Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-20 | English01:13:16
6982023/07/20The golf contest joke by Ajahn Brahm00:04:12
6992023/07/19How to use your insights?00:02:42
7002023/07/18@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | Sinhala00:27:44
7012023/07/18@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | Sinhala00:57:23
7022023/07/18​@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | English00:54:44
7032023/07/18@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | English01:04:30
7042023/07/18@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | English01:03:56
7052023/07/18Laotzu story by Ajahn Brahm00:02:30
7062023/07/17@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | Sinhala00:46:18
7072023/07/17@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | Sinhala00:51:42
7082023/07/17@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | English01:01:38
7092023/07/17@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | English00:54:33
7102023/07/17@Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | English00:53:42
7112023/07/17​ @Dharmavahini_Foundation Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | English 2023-07-21 18:3100:50:14
7122023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | Sinhala00:27:44
7132023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | Sinhala00:57:23
7142023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | English00:54:44
7152023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | English01:04:30
7162023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-23 | English01:03:56
7172023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | Sinhala01:00:13
7182023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-22 | English01:01:36
7192023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | Sinhala00:51:42
7202023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | English00:54:33
7212023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | English00:53:42
7222023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-21 | English 2023-07-21 18:3100:50:14
7232023/07/17Ven Ajahan Brahmawanso Thero | 2023-05-20 | Sinhala01:02:22
7242023/07/17How much are beliefs dangerous? (Must watch)00:03:08
7252023/07/16How To Overcome Mental Suffering | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:03:37
7262023/07/16Different people, different perseptions00:02:37
7272023/07/15Bagaimana rasanya menjadi seorang bhikkhu atau bhikkhuni? | Ajahn Brahm00:05:55
7282023/07/15The rice pudding story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:15
7292023/07/14You just hear and believe what you want00:03:07
7302023/07/13Relieve Tesion by Meditating - Armadale Meditation Group | Ajahn Brahm | 11 July 202301:36:19
7312023/07/1015/7 (Saturday) Q & A 7:20pm - 8:30pm01:26:02
7322023/07/1015/7(Saturday) Morning Talk 8am-9am01:04:42
7332023/07/09Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 7 July 202300:28:15
7342023/07/09An holy book down the toilet story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:11
7352023/07/082 ducks in the pond joke00:02:07
7362023/07/07A chicken or a duck story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:31
7372023/07/06Drunk monks stories by Ajahn Brahm00:04:04
7382023/07/05Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 8 July 202301:30:24
7392023/07/05Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 7 July 202301:46:40
7402023/07/05The priority list of beliefs00:02:21
7412023/07/04"Stream Entry and How to Get There" by Ajahn Brahm - 20230609 2023-07-05 18:3002:00:05
7422023/07/04Do you have the right to believe whatever you want?00:02:13
7432023/07/03The road to mind's freedom00:03:24
7442023/07/02Only you can forgive you00:01:28
7452023/07/01Guilt | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:58:15
7462023/07/01Do you deserve to be happy?00:02:18
7472023/06/30Forgive to get free00:02:36
7482023/06/292023-03-22 Ajahn Brahm Public Talk at HKU “Good Day, Bad Day, Present Day”01:44:59
7492023/06/29The danger of identifying yourself00:02:32
7502023/06/28Don't add more worries to your life00:02:26
7512023/06/272 similar strories but different outcome00:05:06
7522023/06/26Importance of Kindness in Buddhism | Ajahn Brahm | 23 June 202301:06:40
7532023/06/26Happiness and freedom00:02:05
7542023/06/25Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 23 June 202300:28:30
7552023/06/25Don't let anyone to control your happiness00:01:44
7562023/06/24Ajahn Brahm Interviewed by Prof Manouri Senanayake00:28:30
7572023/06/24Happiness | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:57:02
7582023/06/24We are stopping ourselves being happy00:02:19
7592023/06/23Ajahn Brahm's father story00:02:18
7602023/06/22She cannot let it go story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:41
7612023/06/21Word of the Buddha (Part 7) | Ajahn Brahm | 25 June 202301:28:19
7622023/06/21Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 24 June 202301:17:50
7632023/06/21Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 23 June 202301:39:23
7642023/06/21We choose to carry attachment00:01:49
7652023/06/20We don't have to hurt other but do this instead00:01:35
7662023/06/19The tough guy syndrome00:01:20
7672023/06/18Why people want other to be hurt?00:01:20
7682023/06/17Kamma and Rebirth | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:37:44
7692023/06/16The victim with the cold story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:22
7702023/06/15We payback from our negative emotions00:03:01
7712023/06/14There is a delight in bad emotions00:02:10
7722023/06/13We love to be emotional00:02:56
7732023/06/12Why do people get attached to suffering?00:04:43
7742023/06/11Buddhist Attitude to Death | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:15:07
7752023/06/11Happiness is where we don't look00:01:56
7762023/06/10Ajahn Brahm - Self and Selfies | Box Hill Town Hall | 09 MAY 202301:20:51
7772023/06/10Black and White Karma00:01:58
7782023/06/092023-03-27 Ajahn Brahm 4-Day Retreat - Afternoon Dhamma Talk & Guided Metta Meditation01:24:01
7792023/06/092023-03-26 Ajahn Brahm 4-Day Retreat - Afternoon Sutta Talk01:08:09
7802023/06/092023-03-25 Ajahn Brahm 4-Day Retreat - Evening Q&A01:39:29
7812023/06/092023-03-25 Ajahn Brahm 4-Day Retreat – Afternoon Sutta Talk01:04:33
7822023/06/092023-03-27 Ajahn Brahm 4-Day Retreat - Morning Dhamma Talk00:59:30
7832023/06/092023-03-26 Ajahn Brahm 4-Day Retreat - Morning Dhamma Talk01:04:49
7842023/06/092023-03-26 Ajahn Brahm 4-Day Retreat - Evening Q&A01:30:51
7852023/06/092023-03-25 Ajahn Brahm 4-Day Retreat – Morning Dhamma Talk01:04:17
7862023/06/092023-03-24 Ajahn Brahm 4-Day Retreat – Evening Dhamma Talk01:29:46
7872023/06/09How to Make the Right DECISIONS by Ajahn Brahm #shorts00:00:59
7882023/06/09Have compassion for people who make mistakes00:01:53
7892023/06/08Buddhism and military00:03:03
7902023/06/07The girl in a coma story by Ajahn Brahm00:03:23
7912023/06/06The dog with cancer story by Ajahn Brahm00:02:03
7922023/06/05Ethical decisions00:03:58
7932023/06/04Vesak Day Celebration | 4 June 202301:00:02
7942023/06/04Ajahn Brahmavamso at BMICH, Colombo 2023 | Part-04 | Closing Ceremony00:18:09
7952023/06/04Ajahn Brahmavamso at BMICH, Colombo 2023 | Part-03 | Question and Answer00:41:51
7962023/06/04Ajahn Brahmavamso at BMICH, Colombo 2023 | Part-02 | Guided Meditation00:46:02
7972023/06/04Ajahn Brahmavamso at BMICH, Colombo 2023 | Part-01 | Dhamma Talk01:03:40
7982023/06/04Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 2 June 202300:30:58
7992023/06/04A Vietnam War story by Ajahn Brahm00:04:27
8002023/06/03Meditation and the Mind | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:18:14
8012023/06/03Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 3 June 202301:23:21
8022023/06/03Laws can cause fear00:01:45
8032023/06/02Helping Others with Empathy | Ajahn Brahm | 2 June 202301:02:52
8042023/06/02Never deicide out of fear00:02:04
8052023/06/01Wisdom on hard choices00:02:02
8062023/06/01අජාන් බ්‍රහ්මවංස හිමියන්ගේ දේශනය (Ajan Brahm Talk - Meditation is the heart of the Buddhism)00:55:22
8072023/05/31BSWA 50th Anniversary Celebrations | 4 June 202302:33:14
8082023/05/31Stand for yourself the right way00:01:58
8092023/05/30Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote00:00:26
8102023/05/30Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (3)00:00:26
8112023/05/30Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (1)00:00:26
8122023/05/30Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote00:00:26
8132023/05/30Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (2)00:00:26
8142023/05/30Ajahn Brahmavamso at BMICH, Colombo Part 201:49:58
8152023/05/30MNICH PL Ajahn Brahm - Uwolnić się od uzależnień.00:58:29
8162023/05/30Ajahn Brahmavamso at BMICH, Colombo Part 200:00:00
8172023/05/30Ajahn Brahm | Toạ thiền có hướng dẫn | Phụ đề tiếng Việt01:00:39
8182023/05/30Ajahn Brahmavamso at BMICH, Colombo02:17:28
8202023/05/29Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (3)00:00:26
8212023/05/29Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (5)00:00:26
8222023/05/29Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (5)00:00:26
8232023/05/29Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (7)00:00:26
8242023/05/29Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote00:00:26
8252023/05/29Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (4)00:00:26
8262023/05/29Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote00:00:26
8272023/05/29Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (2)00:00:26
8282023/05/29MNICH PL Ajahn Brahm - Odnaleźć szczęście w cierpieniu.01:04:04
8292023/05/29Hardest ethical decision and how to take them00:02:10
8302023/05/28Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm happiness quote00:00:26
8312023/05/28Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm inner Peace quote00:00:26
8322023/05/28Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote00:00:26
8332023/05/28Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (4)00:00:26
8342023/05/28Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote (5)00:00:26
8352023/05/28Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote00:00:26
8362023/05/28A good reason to lie00:04:55
8372023/05/28Growing from adversities | Ajahn Brahm00:56:55
8382023/05/27Growing from adversities | ajahn brahm00:19:04
8392023/05/27Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm compassion quote00:00:26
8402023/05/27Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote00:00:26
8412023/05/27Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote00:00:26
8422023/05/27Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm life quote00:00:26
8432023/05/27Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm Life quote00:00:26
8442023/05/27Enlightenment | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:59:19
8452023/05/27Always act out of kindness and compassion00:01:21
8462023/05/27ĐỦ RỒI TÔI ĐI ĐÂY- Ajahn Brahm00:02:34
8472023/05/27Mở cửa trái tim-Ajahn Brahm00:02:34
8482023/05/26Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm Patience Quote00:00:26
8492023/05/26Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm Pain Quote00:00:26
8502023/05/26Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm Loving-kindness quote00:00:26
8512023/05/26Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm Life quote00:00:26
8522023/05/26Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm Life Quote00:00:26
8532023/05/26Relax mind meditation Quotes | Ajahn Brahm Fear Quote00:00:26
8542023/05/26Ajahn Brahm- Wise ways to watch 65m 19070601:05:40
8552023/05/26Ajahn Brahm-Jhanas-19may199401:19:10
8562023/05/26Ajahn Brahm-Jhanas-19may1994 v2.000:54:40
8572023/05/26Helping is your duty00:01:44
8582023/05/25MNICH PL Ajahn Brahm - Emocje00:59:13
8592023/05/25The abortion story by Ajahn Brahm00:04:07
8602023/05/24MNICH PL Życie Ajahn Brahm00:55:38
8612023/05/24Link between Buddha's teaching and today's laws00:01:56
8622023/05/24ASA Special Vesak Ceremony 202301:29:43
8632023/05/23Con giòi & Đống phân -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:41
8642023/05/23Cọc đầu -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:55
8652023/05/23Người chồng 4 vợ -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:57
8662023/05/23Mặt sáng của cái chết -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:08:38
8672023/05/23Viếng thăm người bệnh -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:19
8682023/05/23Bệnh có gì là xấu -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:20
8692023/05/23An ủi người bệnh -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:41
8702023/05/23Tội cho tôi hên cho họ -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:27
8712023/05/23Một kinh nghiệm di chuyển -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:30
8722023/05/23Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 28 April 202301:07:01
8732023/05/23Suy nghĩ thay gì giặt -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:05
8742023/05/23Đồ ngu -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:01:30
8752023/05/23Cái búa -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:01
8762023/05/23Khi tôi giác ngộ -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:05:36
8772023/05/23Thử thách giác ngộ -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:05:25
8782023/05/23Thế giới tự do -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:07
8792023/05/23Bạn thích loại tự do nào -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:04
8802023/05/23Khi mọi ước muốn được thành tựu -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:43
8812023/05/23Người đánh cá -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:51
8822023/05/23Rồi tôi sẽ hạnh phúc -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:05:37
8832023/05/23Đá quý -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:06
8842023/05/23Âm thanh tuyệt diệu -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:05:03
8852023/05/23Tìm Tâm -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:01
8862023/05/23Cái gì to nhất trên đời -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:28
8872023/05/23Con rùa nói nhiều -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:06:21
8882023/05/23Nguy hiểm của sự mở miệng -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:05:43
8892023/05/23Ai mua xe rác - Phần 4 | Thiền sư Ajahn Brahm | Diễn đọc: Tánh Như | Trạm Đọc Thong Dong00:25:21
8902023/05/23Tương lai tiền tệ -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm Ai mua xe rác00:01:00
8912023/05/23Karma comes from good intention00:01:55
8922023/05/23Cách ăn đúng đắn -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:06
8932023/05/23Đôi cánh từ bi -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:37
8942023/05/23Con rắn ác -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:06:15
8952023/05/23Con rắn,ông thị trưởng & nhà sư -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:06:58
8962023/05/23Con bò khóc -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:08:33
8972023/05/23Đổ lỗi kẻ khác -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:01:44
8982023/05/23Vấn đề chổ nào -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:10
8992023/05/23Luật nhân quả -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:59
9002023/05/23Có lẽ công bằng -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:21
9012023/05/23Hãy là thùng rác -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:05:15
9022023/05/23Đống phân bò -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:07:05
9032023/05/23Lời dạy vô giá -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:49
9042023/05/23Tha thứ tích cực -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:20
9052023/05/23Tha thứ dập tắt lửa sân -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:23
9062023/05/23Con quỷ ăn giận -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:07:21
9072023/05/23Khoá thiền -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:08:45
9082023/05/23Buông xả cái đau -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:59
9092023/05/23Sợ đau -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:54
9102023/05/23Cách thuyết pháp -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:34
9112023/05/23Sợ nói trước công chúng -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:07:49
9122023/05/23Tương lai tiền tệ là những cụt cứt gà Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:12
9132023/05/23Sợ là gì -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:17
9142023/05/23Cá ngựa -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:33
9152023/05/23Đoán Tương lai -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:28
9162023/05/22Tình yêu chân thật -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:21
9172023/05/22Chuyện Tình -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:41
9182023/05/22Bà nói gà ông nói vịt -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:03:19
9192023/05/22Đứa bé trong siêu thị -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:19
9202023/05/22Những kẻ tội phạm -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:02:19
9212023/05/22Mặc cảm tội lỗi -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:04:58
9222023/05/22Hai viên gạch xấu -Thiền Sư Ajahn Brahm TT Trí Siêu00:11:47
9232023/05/22MNICH PL Ajahn Brahm - Istota życia .01:00:02
9242023/05/22Karma and armies00:01:57
9252023/05/21MNICH PL Ajahn Brahm - O wychowywaniu dzieci01:07:44
9262023/05/21Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 19 May 202300:26:31
9272023/05/21Soldiers and Buddhism00:03:32
9282023/05/20MNICH PL Ajahn Brahm Jak odpuścić00:55:41
9292023/05/20History of Buddhism | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast01:10:12
9302023/05/20The unknown helps growth00:02:13
9312023/05/19Facing doubt | Ajahn Brahm [Story]00:03:52
9322023/05/19Humble monk | Ajahn Brahm [Joke]00:00:19
9332023/05/19Compassion and meditation00:01:46
9342023/05/18Advising suicidal people | Ajahn Brahm [Story/Joke]00:02:44
9352023/05/18MNICH PL Ajahn Brahm - Bądź radufny01:07:58
9362023/05/18Ajahn Brahm 11 O radzeniu sobie z emocjami NA 30 SPOSOBÓW DOBRE ZŁE LEKTOR PL00:59:13
9372023/05/18Ajahn Brahm 12 Depresja buddyjskie spojrzenie - 30 sposobów mocne radzenie sobie LEKTOR PL01:11:11
9382023/05/18Ajahn Brahm 1O radzenie sobie z trudnymi ludźmi na 30 sposobów wykład LEKTOR PL01:00:03
9392023/05/18The 2nd and 3rd Noble truths meditation00:01:46
9402023/05/17Ajahn Brahm 09 Przekraczanie granic Beyond Boundaries LEKTOR01:03:45
9412023/05/17MNICH PL Ajahn Brahm Spokój to najwyższa forma szczęścia.01:03:35
9422023/05/17Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 28 April 202300:36:38
9432023/05/17Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 20 May 202300:00:00
9442023/05/17Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 19 May 202300:00:00
9452023/05/17The difference between Satthana and Vipassana00:02:44
9462023/05/16Ajahn Brahm MNICH PL Uwolnić się od przeszłości01:01:17
9472023/05/16Ai mua xe rác - Phần 2 | Thiền sư Ajahn Brahm | Diễn đọc: Tánh Như | Trạm Đọc Thong Dong00:14:01
9482023/05/16The energy must flow to heal the body00:03:24
9492023/05/15Ajahn Brahm MNICH PL Przekraczanie granic.01:03:45
9502023/05/1545 min high energy guided meditation by Ajahn Brahm00:46:06
9512023/05/15The happiest person in the world00:01:57
9522023/05/15"阿姜·布拉姆佛法讲座:放下的四种方式" - Four Ways Of Letting Go| Ajahn Brahm|00:55:41
9532023/05/14Ajahn Brahm07 Buddyjska postawa wobec zmysłowości rób inaczej 25 : jedzenia miłość sex LEKTOR PL01:01:24
9542023/05/14Ajahn Brahm 06 Mniszki Bhikkhuni w kontekście życia duchowego i praktyki na 30 sposobów LEKTOR PL01:00:26
9552023/05/14Ajahn Brahm06 Życie nie do bani 30 dowodów prawdy, że zmienisz gdy chcesz LEKTOR PL źródło sasana01:00:02
9562023/05/14Ajahn Brahm "The Art of Disappearing" Day 8 Morning Meditation & Closing Talk 20.11.2201:02:16
9572023/05/14Ajahn Brahm05 Budowanie domu spokoju Zmiana miejsca życia na 40 sposobów. LEKTOR PL00:58:52
9582023/05/14Friday Night Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 12 May 202300:25:59
9592023/05/14The power of meditation retreat00:01:40
9602023/05/14Ajahn Brahm04 Spokój to największe szczęście w życiu - 30 sposobów Dorazo LEKTOR PL01:03:35
9612023/05/14Ajahn Brahm03 przeznaczenie lęk strach pozbycie się na 20 sposobów źródło sasana.pl00:58:20
9622023/05/13Ajahn Brahm02 podarowaniu sobie spokoju, życzliwości i wybaczenia 30 sposobów LEKTOR PL01:06:08
9632023/05/13Ai mua xe rac - Ajahn Brahm - 54 cau chuyen Thien - Thich Tri Sieu - CUC KY HAY02:14:41
9642023/05/13Origins of Buddhism | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:59:52
9672023/05/13Slowing down for a better view00:04:17
9682023/05/13Marlai's Interview with Ven Ajahn Brahm at UC Berkeley on 6/28/1900:05:21
9692023/05/12Ai mua xe rác - Phần 1 | Thiền sư Ajahn Brahm | Diễn đọc: Tánh Như | Trạm Đọc Thong Dong00:16:52
9702023/05/129 day retreat at Cambridge (Food and Mindfulness)00:03:35
9712023/05/11[Sách nói] Buông Bỏ Buồn Buông - Thiền sư Ajahn Brahm04:00:04
9722023/05/11Rest on the bench of your mind00:01:22
9732023/05/10Os benefícios do silêncio: a sabedoria da meditação | Ajahn Brahm00:04:51
9742023/05/10Tỉnh giác yên lặng về hơi thở trong giây phút hiện tại. -Chánh Niệm đến Giác Ngộ - Ts Ajahn Brahm00:07:30
9752023/05/10Sutta Class | Ajahn Brahm | 14 May 202300:00:00
9762023/05/10Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 13 May 202300:00:00
9772023/05/10Dhamma Talk | Ajahn Brahm | 12 May 202300:00:00
9782023/05/10[Sách nói] MỞ CỬA TRÁI TIM - Thiền sư Ajahn Brahm03:53:18
9792023/05/10Where wisdom come from00:01:51
9802023/05/09Ajahn Brahm & Ven Candā "The Art of Disappearing" Day 7 Evening Q&A 19.11.2200:53:09
9812023/05/09Sexology and mister monk story00:03:00
9822023/05/08Compassion | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:49:56
9832023/05/0820 min peace and quiet guided meditation by Ajahn Brahm00:22:05
9842023/05/08Buddhist view on shipping (Funny story)00:02:40
9852023/05/07Ajahn Brahm “The Art Of Disappearing” Day 7 Afternoon Meditation"Lighting The Fire Of Metta"19.11.2200:52:24
9862023/05/07Unpleasant Vs peaceful00:02:20
9872023/05/06Buddhism and Meditation00:01:40
9882023/05/05Hiding behind the ego00:03:33
9892023/05/04Vtip o Feng šuej Ajahn Brahm titulkyCZ00:01:24
9902023/05/04Fear | Ajahn Brahm | Ajahn Brahm Podcast00:56:25
9912023/05/04The best criticising is out of compassion00:02:20
9922023/05/03Ajahn Brahm 4 sposoby odpuszczania, wybaczania złych emocji - Mnich Budda LEKTOR PL DORAZO00:55:41
9932023/05/03Filtering by listening00:02:23
9942023/05/02The wisdom of criticism00:02:24
9952023/05/01LIVE Guided Meditation | Ajahn Brahm | 08 MAY 202300:00:00
9962023/05/0125 min Complete Beginner Guided Meditation by Ajahn Brahm00:27:03
9972023/05/01The two boys at the supermarket story00:01:48
9982023/04/30Ajahn Brahm Dhamma Talk00:50:53
9992023/04/30DHAMMA SHARING (Serving & Giving That Keep You Mentally Happy) - Ven. Bhikkhu Ānanda01:39:38
10002023/04/30Why you cannot call anybody 'stupid'00:01:59
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